In the winter of 2020 a small team of passionate like-minded locals came together to create Grow Wānaka, on a very special piece of land gifted in partnership by The Outlet Camp. A charitable trust was set up to support the project and with a couple of generous community donations the garden was set in motion.
By February 2021 the first garden beds were being formed and since then the garden has continued to evolve into a productive and vibrant community growing hub. The garden now encompasses two greenhouses, a large berry patch, hot composting bays, continuous flow vermicomposting (worm) farms, and an organics drop off hub, and internal garden bed trellising and archways to enhance vertical growing space for greater productivity. All of this was made possible through community supported donations of time, effort, materials and funding.
Education has always been an integral part of the garden and wider project vision. The garden provides educational opportunities through weekly Saturday morning working bees, monthly workshops, and private garden tours with education session tailored for the visiting group. We also provide experiential learning opportunities for our tamariki with garden visits and hands-on activities to explore the food soil web within our garden ecosystem.
Grow Wānaka is continuously evolving in all sorts of fun and fascinating ways. We are currently a partner in the Environmental Education Collaborative NaturEd Wānaka, we are an active participant in the Aotearoa Composting Network, and engage with the Upper Clutha Food Security Network. We are working with QLDC on community scale waste minimisation solutions, and we coordinate with the Wānaka Food Bank to provide weekly donations of fresh organic produce.
The Evolution of Grow Wānaka 2020 to 2024
Winter 2021
Autumn 2022
Summer 2023
Summer 2024
Showcase circular systems thinking and process through our circular model project: Accepting food organics to our drop off hub, converting the food waste to high value compost, using the compost to grow organic produce, and donating the produce back to the community.
Enhance community resilience and connection through collective growing, sharing of ideas, kai, knowledge and skills.
Create and support community scale waste minimisation solutions by offering organics composting and education opportunities.
Enhance food security by providing weekly community produce donations, promoting and supporting localised food production and food networks, and supporting the use of produce pantries throughout the Upper Clutha.
Provide experiential education opportunities in collaboration with many community experts to offer a wide range of learning opportunities.
Nurture the current partnerships and volunteer base we have developed.
Enhance soil and ecosystem function through the regeneration of degraded land back to productive biodiverse landscapes.
Create a welcoming space for all community members to enjoy.
Evolve to meet the needs of our dynamic community.
Grow Wānaka is composed of nine committee members, a dedicated garden support team, a volunteer team and a wider community family, pulling together a diverse range of skills sets, knowledge and knowhow for a growing community garden project.
Danielle Anson
Secretary &
Project Advisor
Caitie Zilm
Treasurer &
Project Advisor
Emberly Wetherall
Project Coordinator
Toni Foxton
Events Coordinator & Project Advisor
Leigh Dumpleton
Coordinator &
Garden Project Support
Ruth Heath
Project & Fundraising Support
Sarah Graham
& Tech Guru
Wendy Brown
Garden Support
Andrea Basler
Garden Support
Inka Vogt
Garden Support &
Craft Building Specialist
Colin Gregan
Founding member & Project Advisor
Our Team
Our Volunteers
Grow Wānaka is a community powered project that continues to thrive and evolve thanks to the many wonderful collaborations, donations, and collective garden mahi.
We are incredibly grateful for all the work and support that has brought this project to fruition and drives its evolution to this day. A huge thanks and recognition to our original founders and former members, our working bee, education and outreach volunteer teams, our passionate community composters, our garden land owners & neighbours, our local and national collaborators, partners and networks, our donors, visitors, and everyone else who supports our kaupapa.
We are particularly grateful to our main sponsors and supporters:
Red Bridge Trust | Crosshill Garden – Ali Soper | Hoiho Media
Roger Gardiner | Caroline Harker | John Levy | Toni Foxton
Three Parks & Central Machine Hire | Northlake | Paul Wright | Ross & Colleen Allan
Treeworks | Visual Distillery Design | Thiago Amaral - Wide Vision Data Services
Christine Schepp Design | Tree Tamers | Ruth Arkless Design | Hirepool Wānaka
Grow Wānaka is a Charitable Trust Organisation, which relies on donations of time, energy, materials and funding to achieve our community resilience and waste minimization goals and deliver on our community outreach and education programmes.
If you would like to support our work and project with a donation please get in touch with us.
We accept one-off monetary donations or join 'Friends of Grow Wānaka' as a regular donor. Donations over $5 are tax deductible.